Truck and Machine Rollovers!
We have had eight truck or machine rollovers reported to us during the first three months of 2016. This is well up on the same period in 2015!
In some, the operator has simply pushed the machine too far or has failed to secure the machine properly. In others, an enabling factor such as loose soil, an unseen hole or a high stump has combined with the slope (or nearness to an edge) to cause a loss of control and a rollover. Fortunately, the resulting injuries have only been minor.
FIPS 7721 16/02/2016: In this incident, a loader operator was removing a packet of logs from a truck stationed in the log yard. The driver was inside the cab the agreed safe zone. The operator reversed the loader, clipped the truck bolsters and pulled the truck onto its side. The driver, who fell from his seat, received injuries to his shoulder and bruising! In yet another incident, a forwarder operator lost control of the machine he was operating. Wearing a seatbelt probably saved him from serious injury or death in this case!
Investigations and Learning!
Wear your seat belt - observe ACoP rule 6.1.3 - this may very well save your life!
The document Safe OP - Working Machinery on Slopes notes that a specific hazard management plan is required when slopes exceed 18° (30%) for rubber tyre machines; 22° (40%) for tracked machines. Please follow these and the other rules that are outlined.
Do not operate close to the edge (of capability) - allow for unforeseen circumstances!
View this article in Safety Bulletin 100