Serious Harm & Sentinel Events
The driver managed to get out of the cab and onto the running boards from where he continued guiding his truck.
At the last minute, he jumped to safety resulting in some minor grazing of both knees or so the story goes! Two PF Olsen engineers attended the scene the following day, primarily to investigate if road condition had contributed to the incident. While the road was OK, the a trail had gone cold and the engineers struggled to make sense of the disturbed (spoilt) accident scene.
Now, it seems, the injury may be worse than first thought and that lost-time may have occurred? Whatever the case, at the time of writing, we still do not have all of the necessary facts and this is not acceptable!
In view of the above, it is important to ensure that your PF Olsen manager receives the full facts, immediately especially for serious incidents and sentinel events!
View this article in Safety Bulletin 90