Chain-shot Hazard...Reducing the Risk!
What is chain shot? Chain shot is essentially a bullet (high-speed ejection) of cutting chain from the end of a broken chain in mechanised harvesting. Like a bullet, it poses a serious injury risk to machine operators and bystanders alike. Chain shot typically occurs at the drive-end of the cutting system and far more often than you may think! Research indicates that 1 in 50 broken chains had parts missing that may have been the result of a chain shot event.
Our own experience is that chain shot occurs often enough to make this matter our concern. In a very recent incident (October 2015), a saw-chain broke during processing, sending pieces of the chain into the machine's front window. Fortunately, the crew's chain-shot plan had fully isolated the machine from ground-workers and the polycarbonate front screen, 22mm thick, protected the operator.
The key components of a chain-shot plan!
Establish a chain-shot exclusion zone using marker cones or a goal-post system. Draw a plan of the exclusion zone and absolutely prohibit all people and machines from entry.
Use signage to alert everyone to this hazard, the exclusion zone, and to stay clear.
Install 19mm polycarbonate/acrylic as front screen protection. This is a minimum thickness and mandatory for all mechanised harvesters whether they process or fell.
If any other machine must (even temporarily) operate within a chain-shot exclusion zone, then either plan for harvester to pause or ensure that machine is protected.
Preventative maintenance reduce the likelihood of the chain breaking in the first place.
Install, inspect and maintain a purpose built chain catcher (deflector).
View this article in Health & Safety Bulletin 96