Small woodlot harvesting and marketing
After 25 years, Graeme Robinson recently harvested his 6.5 hectare woodlot at Tanye Road, 12 km west of Taupo.
He came into possession of this woodlot when the then owners Fletcher Forests Ltd sold 50 acres with a homestead and woolshed to defray set up costs.
Graeme was aware of the risks of non-compliance in relation to health and safety and wanted a professional harvesting manager for the project. In his words, "after speaking to Craig Fisher of PF Olsen, I felt I need go no further."
Graeme was reassured by PF Olsen's experience in small woodlot harvesting and marketing.
Frank Carran of Longwood Logging was the harvesting contractor and Graeme appreciated the increased efficiency and safety of the crew using a waratah harvesting head for felling and processing - no tree fallers at the cutting face.
Summary of financial results
Gross Return: $125/tonne
Net Return: $57/tonne
Net Return / ha: $38,044
Net Return/ha/yr: $1,522
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